Some of our dedicated staff have undergone some major adjustments in their lives. Some have major and minor life challenges they are living with, have overcome or are effectively managing. Some were substance abusers, who are now successfully recovering and are trained to help others recover. They strive diligently to help each resident with their problems. They understand what they are going through. They help the residents avoid some of the errors and pitfalls they themselves have encountered in their struggle to recover.
All of our staff are here, willingly, in order to help others overcome or manage their challenges, whatever they may be. Our staff members, both regular and volunteer, are patient and caring. Some are still residents who volunteer their services. Others are former residents who now live in their own places, yet continue to volunteer their services. We at FFO are eternally grateful for their sincere dedication to our mission.
We have recently expanded. We now have beds available for both men and women in our new facilities.
Medical Doctors, Psychiatrists and Social Workers are urged to go to Contact Us if you wish to recommend someone for housing.
We look forward to a long rewarding relationship with you one and all !